Core Treatment Team
Elijah’s House staff is completely invested in positive outcomes for our clients. The Treatment team works with clients and their families to develop an individualized treatment plan specifically designed for their needs at every step of treatment and recovery.
Each team includes a behavioral and family therapist, substance abuse counselors, and, if necessary, drug and alcohol detox specialist(s), all of whom are either Elijah’s House staff, or well-qualified, licensed independent professional affiliates based on client needs.
Individual Therapy
To support personalized work, we include individual therapy sessions by licensed behavioral therapists. Each client is given the opportunity to heal and addressed through one-on-one sessions their unique issues.
Who Is a PTP Client?
PTP is not limited to licensed professionals and is available to any adult (25 and over) who seeks this optimal level of care with its associated high success rates. The program offers profession-specific treatment elements to healthcare professionals (physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and behavioral health professionals), attorneys, airline pilots, other licensed professionals, business executives and clergy.
OUTPATIENT – and also enables their primary therapist to continue to counsel and coach them through our Extended Care Program if they choose to stay with us beyond primary Residential Treatment.
Alumni & Family Support Groups
Completing treatment at Elijah’s House is only the start of our commitment to lasting recovery. We stay actively involved in helping clients transition back to everyday life and encourage them to remain connected to the recovery community. The Elijah’s House Alumni Association makes available to clients and their families a variety of resources, including meetings, workshops, special events, and follow-up. Elijah’s House Alumni have weekly 12-Step meetings. Our staff members have access to a network of support groups and alumni to help clients find the support they need after they graduate, no matter where they live.
Family Counseling
Addiction and other behavioral health issues are commonly referred to as a “family disease” because of their significant effect on the entire family. Family members struggle to help, while watching their loved one continue the cycle of self-destruction, which devastates the entire family. Underlying these efforts are often feelings of helplessness, despair, anxiety, and anger about the damage the addiction has caused, and will continue to cause, on their life and the integrity of the family. Our family program is designed to help family members gain awareness and understanding, so that they can learn how to best support their loved one – and themselves.
Elijah’s House can help clients – and their family – create a lasting end to their suffering through:
• Individualized therapy for couples and families
• Education and support for loved ones
• Multiple family groups
• Weekly night off-campus support meetings
Off Campus Activities
Elijah’s House does not keep our clients isolated from the outside world during their residential stay. Clients are taken to community-based 12-Step meetings daily as well as weekly cultural events. In doing so, our clients can experience the real world with the safety and supervision of staff members. Clients are able to build new, clean and sober experiences, and associations in the world outside of treatment, making the transition easier.
Private Time
Elijah’s House Treatment Centers allow clients to have access to newspapers and magazines, listen to the radio, call loved ones, and watch TV at appropriate times, with supervision.
Day-to-Day Living
By utilizing a real-world perspective, Elijah’s House prepares its clients for day-to-day life, such as driving past a liquor store or reading an advertisement for an alcoholic beverage. The key is that Elijah’s House teaches clients how to process their feelings that may arise while exposed to these situations.
We at Elijah’s House will prepare home-style or individually prepared meals to accommodate food preferences such as vegetarian, kosher, vegan, or other specialized dietary needs if reasonable.